Celtic Women International Chicago Branch

chicagobranchAnnual Brigid's Day/Imbolc Celebration

chicagobranchCornish Bard Jim Wearne with Sherry and Marueen

About the Chicago CWI Branch

The Chicago Branch is the oldest CWI branch, founded in 2004. It offers are regular "3rd Tuesday" evening meeting and program all months except for August and December. The meeting format is social "gathering" time starting at 7:00, followed by a formal program at 7:30. There is no membership on a local level; instead, there is an e-mail group, with monthly "updates" sent with meeting program information.

Special Programs

CWI Chicago currently offers 2 major annual programs:

  • Our annual Brigid's Day/Imbolc Celebration is offered the last weekend of January and will be VIRTUAL this year. As always, it will  include multi-media lectures, sharing of Brigid's fire, readings, and Brigid's cross weaving.
  • Revolutionary Irish Women Series originally began n 2004 to learn about and commemorate women who participated in the nationalist causes between the Ladies Land League and the Irish Civil War. Last year, the focus moved to Revolutionary Irish Women in Education, starting with the late Celtic/early christian era. The 2021 program will be VIRTUAL this year..
  • Irish Books, Arts & Music Fest (iBAM) - CWI "Literary Salon" offers continuous VIRTUAL mini-programs over the course of the 2 afternoons of iBAM (14-20 programs). iBAM-2020 took place in December this year. Click CWI Literary Salon Program Booklet for information about the various short programs this year..

Contact Information: Maureen Smith - chicago@celticwomen.org

CWI Facebook Group

CWI's Facebook Group is a great way to post your interests, upcoming events, comments, and more with others. You do not have to be a CWI member to join the group, but posts should be in keeping with CWI's mission to recognize and honor achievements of Celtic women (including your own). Search for Celtic Women International and request access.

The Seven Celtic Nations

Brittany Flag


Cornwall Flag


Galicia Flag


Ireland Flag


Isle of Man Flag

Isle of Man

Scotland Flag


